Tag: Topcoder
TopCoder(R) Single Round Match 258
Problem Statement for ClassScores Problem Statement A teacher has just finished grading the test papers for his class. To get an idea of how difficult the test was, he would now like to determine the most common score on the test. In statistics, this is called the "mode" of a set of data points.…
TopCoder(R) Single Round Match 257
本来想试试昨天的TopCoder(R) Single Round 的的,起得太晚了,没赶上Registration ,哎~~~可惜。。。 贴上题目做做吧 SubstitutionCode Point 250 Division Two – Level One Problem Statement for SubstitutionCode Problem Statement A simple, easy to remember system for encoding integer amounts can be very useful. For example, dealers at flea markets put the information about an item on a card that they…
Practise – Inv 2001 R1 Point 250
Problem Statement ***Note: Please keep programs under 7000 characters in length. Thank you Class Name: HowEasy Method Name: pointVal Parameters: String Returns: int TopCoder has decided to automate the process of assigning problem difficulty levels to problems. TopCoder developers have concluded that problem difficulty is related only to the Average Word Length of Words…