Compile pciutils (lspci, setpci) in Windows x86,在 Windows x86 平台下编译 pciutils (lspci, setpci)

pciutils 是 Linux 下查看 PCI/PCIe 设备的利器。可以用来 dump PCI configuration space,可惜在 Windows 平台下类似功能的工具寥寥无几。在 pcituils 的官网(说明中提到了可以在 Windows 平台下工作。那下面来介绍 Windows 下编译 pciutils 的经验。遗憾的是在 x86_64/amd64 下没有成功,如果各位有成功的经验希望留言来描述下,谢谢。

  1. 下载 pciutils source code。在 可以下载到最新的版本。
  2. 然后需要找到编译环境,这里推荐使用 mingw 来编译。mingw 也有许多版本,我是用的是 mplayer 项目的压缩包。(
  3. 再者由于 pciutils 原生是在 Linux 下运用的,在 Windows 下需要提供能够访问 kernel space 的接口,pciutils 使用了 WinIO 来实现这个。所以还要去下载 WinIO,地址在这里
  4. 好了解压好三个包后,运行 mingw 下的 msys.bat。看到的命令行就是操作的环境。其中已经包含了所要使用的 gcc 编译器。需要提的是,由于 pciutils 中的 configure 在 Windows 是没办法使用的。所以要使用预先编制好的 config.h 和。这两个文件存放在 pciutils 目录的 win32目录中。将他们拷贝到 lib 目录下。
  5. 然后修改 lib/i386-io-windows.h 文件,找到 lib = LoadLibrary("WinIo.dll");(3.17版本中在第39行),将 WinIo.dll 替换成 WinIo32.dll(当然 64 位系统应该替换成 WinIo64.dll)。保存下。将 WinIo 压缩包中 Binaries 目录下的 WinIo 相对应的 dll 和 sys 文件拷贝到 pciutils 的更目录下。
  6. 接下来就开始正式编译工作了。非常简单,进入到 pciutils 的根目录下,打入 make 稍等片刻,lspci 和 setpci 就生成好了。

Windows 下的 lspci 和 setpci 的使用方法完全和 Linux 中一摸一样。使用 -t 查看 tree view,使用 -xxx 来 dump configuration space, 使用 -vvv 查看具体功能描述,这些都不再赘述。呵呵。


pciutils-3.1.7-x86 下载:Download


8 responses to “Compile pciutils (lspci, setpci) in Windows x86,在 Windows x86 平台下编译 pciutils (lspci, setpci)”

  1. Hi

    Can You upload somewhere compiled version of setpci for Windows x86 ?

    I try it for myself but I’m newbie in software development.

    1. Hi TK,

      I have uploaded the binary for pciutils which includes lspci and setpci. You can download from the URL in the article. It’s just for x86 platform. I failed to compile it for amd64…

      I am glad to help you if you have any problem. 😛

      1. Thank You very much !

  2. Jernej S. Avatar
    Jernej S.

    Since WinIo’s license isn’t GPL-compatible, I wrote my own driver for port I/O, and then ported pciutils to use it. Additionally, the 64-bit driver is signed, so it works on 64-bit Windows. Both source and binaries are available at

    (this is from git).

    1. Hi Jerney S,

      It looks good. Much appropriate.
      And I found a tool, RW-Everything. It can do almost everything for space RW in Windows.

      Thank you.

  3. Raymond Avatar

    Dear all,
    I have success load the Winio32.dll by compiler MinGW-full-gcc-4.2.5-Dec-2010.7z and test in “Command Prompt” mode.
    But, when change change the
    lib = LoadLibrary(“WinIo32.dll”);
    lib = LoadLibrary(“WinIo64.dll”);

    and test that again. It failed to load WinIo64.dll and display the error message
    “i386-io-windows: Couldn’t find InitializeWinIo function.”
    Is anyone can help me, thanks.

    1. Hi Raymond,
      I failed as well as I mentioned at the beginning of the post. You can try directio provided by Jernej (link). I tested it and it can work in x86_64. And there is an GUI tool, RW, which can help you in Windows. (link)
      Hope this will be helpful for you. 🙂

  4. Thanks or your help !!!!

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